
... the commuity, in faith

Cradley Church Contacts

The Rector

Revd Robert Ward

The Revd. Prebendary Robert Ward's ministry covers the parishes of Mathon, Cradley and Storridge.

The Rectory, Rectory Lane, Cradley, Herefordshire, WR13 5LQ

01886 880438

The Church Wardens

Di Roberts

Ian Bailey

Church Bell Ringing

Cradley Church

An active Bell Ringing band are always looking for new members. There are trained teachers who are members of the Association of Ringing teachers, so beginners are assured of a great introduction to bell ringing.

The group meet for practice evenings on Thursday 7:30 to 9:00pm on the 2nd, 4th and 5th (if applicable) Thursdays of the month at Cradley.

For further details contact Chris Roberts:

Church Choir and Band

Cradley Church

A small but loyal robed SATB choir leads the singing at the main morning service in Cradley church on the second, third and fourth Sunday of each month, and at other important services throughout the year. New members are welcome.

Music the informal Family Service (usually) on the first Sunday of the month is usually provided by a small band made up of a variety of instruments.

For further information about either the choir or the band contact Julia Maclagan:

01886 880402

Mothers' Union

Mothers' Union

The Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers' Union usually meets at a member's home on the first Wednesday of each month (at 2.30 p.m.). The Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation: "everything we do is an act of faith". All meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by one of the group's members. New members are welcome to attend.

For further details contact Sue Bailey

01886 880201

See Mothers' Union (Herefordshire) on Facebook